Asalam u Alaikum.
I hope everyone is in good health Insh'Allah.
As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I have no intention of offending anyone. I am no Scholar, but I have a great interest in Islam, and I feel that everyone needs to know the simplicity of this great Deen, Insh'Allah.
One thing has made me wonder for a long time, why do some people from the Shia sect 'over-do' their love and respect for Ali and Hussain r.a.? Yes, they were great companions of the Prophet P.B.U.H. Yes, they had fought for Islam. Yes, they were part of the Prophet's P.B.U.H family. Yes they were martyred in the name of Islam. But many, many, Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) had been martyred. And the likes of Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. and Uthman r.a. became part of the Prophet's P.B.U.H family through marriage (Aisha Siddiqua r.a. married the Prophet P.B.U.H and Uthman r.a. married two of his daughters.)
Some Shia's (not all), during the month of Muharram beat themselves, claiming that they want to become closer to Hussain experiencing pain. Muslims have been told to not act like the Kuffaar. At the time of the Prophet P.B.U.H and way before his time, the Kuffaar used to beat themselves to show grief at the time of a death. The Greeks used to perform rituals, quite like the ones performed by some Shia. Women would gather in their own groups to weep or wail loudly and beat their chests. The Greeks used to believe in countless false gods; so is not right to say that this beating act is that of non-Muslims and that we as Muslims should not copy their acts?
The Shia who perform this act also claim that this is the way to show their love and respect for Hussain r.a. Why? Why is this the only way? Why does his death hold more importance than the death of the Prophet P.B.U.H himself? Why don't they beat themselves for the death of the Prophet P.B.U.H; shouldn't his death hold more significance? The Prophet P.B.U.H even said that no-one after him will experience as much illness as he is experiencing before his death. All the Prophets P.B.U.T, were two times more ill than a normal person. When they had a high temperature, it would equal to the temperature of two men who had a very high temperature.
They also bring out horses during Ashoo'ra; some Shia have said they do this because the horse on which Hussain r.a. was sitting, had run away when he fell off. Firstly, why are they respecting the horse when it ran away? The horse left Hussain r.a.; shouldn't they beat the horse rather than respecting it, kissing it, and with some people Naudhubillah, even going to the extent of asking the horse to bless their family with a child! Secondly, they used to go to battle on Camels, where did this horse come from? Thirdly, if there was a horse, where is that horse? There are countless horses in all countries and different parts of each country get out their own horse.
All this is sheer foolishness and ignorance. The Hindus respect false deities and hold special importance for animals, why are Muslims? Muslims must only turn to Allah for help. Muslims must follow the footsteps of the Prophet P.B.U.H. and the teachings of the Qur'an. This leads me to another point, some Shia use the incident of the Prophet Ya'qub a.s. weeping over the loss of his son as a means to weep and beat themselves. Did the Prophet Ya'qub a.s. beat himself? No! Did he have the same Sunnah as the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H? No! How can they compare such things? He had a completely different reason for weeping, until unfortunately he became blind. He was crying for his son -his own blood relation. The people who cry, wail and beat themselves over Hussain r.a. are not direct descendents of him; he lived over 1000 years ago! Islam is a complete way of life, we have been taught what to do and what not to do through the Qur'an and through the Sunnah and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. In which part of the texts are we ordered to beat ourselves? In which part of the texts have we been ordered to hold Karbala as a "holy land"? Some Shia have innovated and made Karbala a holy land because of the battle against Yazid. No battle has been greater than that of the Battle at Badr! The battle in which the Prophet P.B.U.H had fought, the battle in which all the Sahabah were cleansed of all their sins, the battle in which Allah had said that even if the Sahabah make any mistakes after this battle, they will be forgiven. How can a battle in which the Prophet P.B.U.H was not involved in, be given such great importance? Some Shia also have a stone, or rock from Karbala on which they put their head when prostrating in prayer. If we were told to use any rock or stone, wouldn't we have been told by Allah and His Prophet P.B.U.H? And wouldn't the stones or rocks from Makkah, Madinah or Jerusalem hold more importance and significance than Karbala?
The Prophet P.B.U.H had said that everyone should pray the way he prayed. The way he prayed has been described through the Sahabah. Prayer also leads me to another point, some Shia do not fold their hands or arms when praying Salah. The have their hands by their sides. It is not only Shia, many Sunni sects also do this. This is not the way in which the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H offered his Salah! They use the example of Malik ibn Anas who did not fold his hands when praying Salah. He did not do so because he was badly injured! That was his excuse for not offering Salah with his hands folded; what is wrong with everyones hands now? Have they been tortured? Have they been injured? No, I don't think so. He physically could not pray Salah with his hands folded because of the pain; the ones who are going through no pain and still pray with their hands at their sides are doing wrong. They have no reason to be praying Salah like this. They should not use his example and give it a higher status than what the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H had said. Folding of the hands is not only following the Sunnah of the Prophet P.B.U.H, but it is also showing respect for Allah. It is keeping yourself contained, and tidy in a sense.
Furthermore, the way some people act seems like they even hold Ali and Hussain r.a. on a higher status than the Prophet P.B.U.H - Naudhubillah! Do they forget that the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H went through extreme hardships, and that no-one, absolutely no-one can compare to him? After Allah is the Prophet P.B.U.H. and we must only follow the teachings of the Prophet P.B.U.H and Allah. Follow the good examples set by the Sahabah yes, but do not go to extremes on the basis of their martyrdom. They have done a lot for Islam, they will be rewarded with Jannah. It is saddening yes, that Hussain r.a. had been martyred extremely violently, but he is also blessed with Jannah which is the greatest reward of all. There is no point beating yourself over his martyrdom. Did the Sahabah, or even the Prophet P.B.U.H beat themselves when someone passed away or was martyred? No! They were upset at the deaths, however the happiness of them dying, fighting in the way of Islam and Allah overtook any sadness.
A true Muslim, is one who follows in the footsteps of the Prophet P.B.U.H and the examples from other Prophets P.B.U.T. along with the teachings of the Qur'an. The 73 sects have been and will be forming in and spreading out from Iraq as the Prophet P.B.U.H stated. But those who will enter Jannah will be the ones who have dear respect and love for all the Prophet's and Messengers P.B.U.T, for all their companions, and believe in the Oneness of Allah. Innovations are Haram. Simple as that.
May Allah guide us to the Straight Path and keep us safe from Shaitan. Ameen.
Walaikum Salam. :)
Thursday, 25 June 2009
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