Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Sunni + Shia = One Ummah. Part 6.
I think, a lot of us have by now, realised the increasing arguments over Sahih Hadith and the most trustworthy translation and explanation or tafseer of them and the Qur'an. Sects within the two major sects (Sunni and Shia) at times completey reject the hadiths in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, or they do not believe all the Hadiths to be authentic.
Allah had given certain people the right to compile these authentic Hadiths together, such as Bukhari, Abu Dawood and Muslim. There are other Hadith books such as Tirmidhi, but the Hadiths which are not 100% reliable or authentic have written with them this fact. But some people choose to deny the authenticated ones and go for the weak ones - why? The likes of Bukhari, Abu Dawood and Muslim have made gaining knowledge for us so much easier by compiling the Sahih Hadith together in their own individual collections. They had gone under rigourous and critical examination to ensure that the Hadiths in these collections were authentic and not by any means weak. Yet some people still choose to opt for those written or compiled by people who lived much after Bukhari, Abu Dawood and Muslim, and those which were compiled much after the lives of these people run a very big risk of being extremely weak and false. They are much more likely to be weak Hadiths, and with some Shia compilations, they hadn't even gone under half as much examination as the ones with Bukhari, Abu Dawood, Muslim and the likes. It's not only with some Shia compilations, but with some Sunni ones too. If someone sees that a Hadith is shown to be weak, or they sense confusion or something wrong, then Allah has given them the brain to go and research more extensively. They can go to the extensive Sahih collections or they can go to the Qur'an to find out about a matter.
However, even with the Qur'an, Naudhubillah, many people dispute over which translation and tafseer is most trustworthy. Many people have written translations and tafseer's for the Qur'an, however they have also interpreted some Ayahs wrong, they havee not used authentic Hadiths and incidents to back up their interpretations, thus making their versions less trustworthy. However, people choose to use their interpretations, through something which I call brain-washing; they have been told over and over again by those who have given themselves a high status such as an Imam, that this is the proper translation and tafseer of the Qur'an and no matter how weird they may find some of the interpretations, they will blindly believe it. Ibn Kathir and Shah Waliullah and his family were the blessed ones who had translated, interpreted and used Sahih Hadiths and incidents to compile their tafseer's. They had worked day and night for a very long period of time translating the Qur'an and writing the tafseer to make it easier for the future generation of Muslims to understand the Qur'an properly.
People need to wake themselves up, they need to read the translations and compilations formed by those who were given this great right by Allah. We need to realise that there were countless people who converted to Islam but with the goal of creating divisions and disputes among the Ummah. Many people unfortunately fell into their traps, thus creating further divisions and different interpretations of the Qur'an and the Hadith. They believed those people and their lies, they changed their own views and made their families and friends change their views. They did not choose to go back to the authentic Hadith and the Qur'an but weakened towards the weak Hadith and interpretations and false sayings from Jews who became Muslim to create problems in the Ummah.
After the death of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H, the Caliphs had the responsibility of spreading Islam whilst holding the Ummah together. But as they moved further outwards towards Persia, the divisions started occurring. New-converts wanted to break apart this strong Ummah, and so they did. Sects started forming within the two major divisions being Sunni and Shia and then the Sufi sect also formed, claiming they are the more spiritual ones. The Prophet P.B.U.H did not belong to any sect, his companions (may Allah be pleased with them) did not belong to any sect, why should we?
May Allah guide us to the Straight Path and decrease the divisions and disputes within this Ummah. Ameen.
Walaikum Salam. :)
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Sunni + Shia = One Ummah. Part 5
I hope everyone is in good health Insh'Allah.
As I have mentioned in an earlier post, I have no intention of offending anyone. I am no Scholar, but I have a great interest in Islam, and I feel that everyone needs to know the simplicity of this great Deen, Insh'Allah.
One thing has made me wonder for a long time, why do some people from the Shia sect 'over-do' their love and respect for Ali and Hussain r.a.? Yes, they were great companions of the Prophet P.B.U.H. Yes, they had fought for Islam. Yes, they were part of the Prophet's P.B.U.H family. Yes they were martyred in the name of Islam. But many, many, Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) had been martyred. And the likes of Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. and Uthman r.a. became part of the Prophet's P.B.U.H family through marriage (Aisha Siddiqua r.a. married the Prophet P.B.U.H and Uthman r.a. married two of his daughters.)
Some Shia's (not all), during the month of Muharram beat themselves, claiming that they want to become closer to Hussain r.a.by experiencing pain. Muslims have been told to not act like the Kuffaar. At the time of the Prophet P.B.U.H and way before his time, the Kuffaar used to beat themselves to show grief at the time of a death. The Greeks used to perform rituals, quite like the ones performed by some Shia. Women would gather in their own groups to weep or wail loudly and beat their chests. The Greeks used to believe in countless false gods; so is not right to say that this beating act is that of non-Muslims and that we as Muslims should not copy their acts?
The Shia who perform this act also claim that this is the way to show their love and respect for Hussain r.a. Why? Why is this the only way? Why does his death hold more importance than the death of the Prophet P.B.U.H himself? Why don't they beat themselves for the death of the Prophet P.B.U.H; shouldn't his death hold more significance? The Prophet P.B.U.H even said that no-one after him will experience as much illness as he is experiencing before his death. All the Prophets P.B.U.T, were two times more ill than a normal person. When they had a high temperature, it would equal to the temperature of two men who had a very high temperature.
They also bring out horses during Ashoo'ra; some Shia have said they do this because the horse on which Hussain r.a. was sitting, had run away when he fell off. Firstly, why are they respecting the horse when it ran away? The horse left Hussain r.a.; shouldn't they beat the horse rather than respecting it, kissing it, and with some people Naudhubillah, even going to the extent of asking the horse to bless their family with a child! Secondly, they used to go to battle on Camels, where did this horse come from? Thirdly, if there was a horse, where is that horse? There are countless horses in all countries and different parts of each country get out their own horse.
All this is sheer foolishness and ignorance. The Hindus respect false deities and hold special importance for animals, why are Muslims? Muslims must only turn to Allah for help. Muslims must follow the footsteps of the Prophet P.B.U.H. and the teachings of the Qur'an. This leads me to another point, some Shia use the incident of the Prophet Ya'qub a.s. weeping over the loss of his son as a means to weep and beat themselves. Did the Prophet Ya'qub a.s. beat himself? No! Did he have the same Sunnah as the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H? No! How can they compare such things? He had a completely different reason for weeping, until unfortunately he became blind. He was crying for his son -his own blood relation. The people who cry, wail and beat themselves over Hussain r.a. are not direct descendents of him; he lived over 1000 years ago! Islam is a complete way of life, we have been taught what to do and what not to do through the Qur'an and through the Sunnah and Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H. In which part of the texts are we ordered to beat ourselves? In which part of the texts have we been ordered to hold Karbala as a "holy land"? Some Shia have innovated and made Karbala a holy land because of the battle against Yazid. No battle has been greater than that of the Battle at Badr! The battle in which the Prophet P.B.U.H had fought, the battle in which all the Sahabah were cleansed of all their sins, the battle in which Allah had said that even if the Sahabah make any mistakes after this battle, they will be forgiven. How can a battle in which the Prophet P.B.U.H was not involved in, be given such great importance? Some Shia also have a stone, or rock from Karbala on which they put their head when prostrating in prayer. If we were told to use any rock or stone, wouldn't we have been told by Allah and His Prophet P.B.U.H? And wouldn't the stones or rocks from Makkah, Madinah or Jerusalem hold more importance and significance than Karbala?
The Prophet P.B.U.H had said that everyone should pray the way he prayed. The way he prayed has been described through the Sahabah. Prayer also leads me to another point, some Shia do not fold their hands or arms when praying Salah. The have their hands by their sides. It is not only Shia, many Sunni sects also do this. This is not the way in which the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H offered his Salah! They use the example of Malik ibn Anas who did not fold his hands when praying Salah. He did not do so because he was badly injured! That was his excuse for not offering Salah with his hands folded; what is wrong with everyones hands now? Have they been tortured? Have they been injured? No, I don't think so. He physically could not pray Salah with his hands folded because of the pain; the ones who are going through no pain and still pray with their hands at their sides are doing wrong. They have no reason to be praying Salah like this. They should not use his example and give it a higher status than what the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H had said. Folding of the hands is not only following the Sunnah of the Prophet P.B.U.H, but it is also showing respect for Allah. It is keeping yourself contained, and tidy in a sense.
Furthermore, the way some people act seems like they even hold Ali and Hussain r.a. on a higher status than the Prophet P.B.U.H - Naudhubillah! Do they forget that the Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H went through extreme hardships, and that no-one, absolutely no-one can compare to him? After Allah is the Prophet P.B.U.H. and we must only follow the teachings of the Prophet P.B.U.H and Allah. Follow the good examples set by the Sahabah yes, but do not go to extremes on the basis of their martyrdom. They have done a lot for Islam, they will be rewarded with Jannah. It is saddening yes, that Hussain r.a. had been martyred extremely violently, but he is also blessed with Jannah which is the greatest reward of all. There is no point beating yourself over his martyrdom. Did the Sahabah, or even the Prophet P.B.U.H beat themselves when someone passed away or was martyred? No! They were upset at the deaths, however the happiness of them dying, fighting in the way of Islam and Allah overtook any sadness.
A true Muslim, is one who follows in the footsteps of the Prophet P.B.U.H and the examples from other Prophets P.B.U.T. along with the teachings of the Qur'an. The 73 sects have been and will be forming in and spreading out from Iraq as the Prophet P.B.U.H stated. But those who will enter Jannah will be the ones who have dear respect and love for all the Prophet's and Messengers P.B.U.T, for all their companions, and believe in the Oneness of Allah. Innovations are Haram. Simple as that.
May Allah guide us to the Straight Path and keep us safe from Shaitan. Ameen.
Walaikum Salam. :)
Friday, 19 June 2009
Sunni + Shia = One Ummah. Part 4
I hope everyone is in good health Insh'Allah.
Carrying on from the topic of Caliphate, in a sense, it has for a long time confused me, how people don't respect Abu Bakr r.a., Umar r.a. and Uthman r.a. The first three Caliphs after the death of the Prophet P.B.U.H.
People argue that Ali r.a. was the first person to accept Islam, and use this as their first argument against Abu Bakr r.a. Do people not think about the fact that Ali r.a. was much younger than Abu Bakr r.a.? He was the first child to accept Islam yes, but Abu Bakr r.a. was the first man to accept Islam, Khadijah r.a. the first woman. Makes more sense doesn't it?
Aisha r.a. had a dream that the moon had come down to her three times, and each time it went away. She went to her father Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. and asked him to explain this dream to her, and he said that he will explain this dream to her when the time comes. When the Prophet P.B.U.H passed away and caused great grief amongst the Ummah, Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. then told Aisha r.a. about her dream. The first moon was the Prophet P.B.U.H who passed away, the second would be himself, Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. and the third Umar r.a. Thus, all three graves are in the same room; the room in which the Prophet P.B.U.H passed away - the house of Aisha r.a. Even with Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. and Umar r.a. graves being next to the Prophet's P.B.U.H, people do not give them the respect that they deserve, or they don't give them respect at all. I don't know about anyone else, but I for one, find this unacceptable. How can people not respect these two great men of Islam? Who were always willing to strive for Islam, always willing to die in the name of Islam and always willing to do anything to protect and keep the Prophet P.B.U.H happy. Umar r.a. was stabbed, he was a martyr of Islam, yet people still disagree. If they were such bad people as people make them out to be, would Allah have allowed them to be buried in the same room as the Prophet P.B.U.H? No, never! But they were nothing like how some, if not many, Sunni's and Shia's describe them as. They were worthy enough to be buried there, they were worthy enough to be the first and second Caliphs, and with the blessings of Allah, they will reside in Jannah.
Uthman r.a. was the third blessed Caliph of Islam after the death of the Prophet P.B.U.H. He was blessed enough to marry two of the Prophet's P.B.U.H daughters: Ruqqaya r.a. and Ummi Khulthoom r.a. (after Ruqqaya r.a. had passed away), thus he was called "The one with two lights." Uthman r.a. had copies made of the standard Qur'an which was compiled at the time of Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. - this was a great act of his as he sent these copies to all the provinces. And the Qur'an as we see it today, was compiled under the authority of Uthman r.a. - another great act of his. He was martyred whilst he was reciting the Qur'an. Yet people still do not respect him? The last few years of his reign as Caliph were however difficult and full of chaos, as this was mainly the time when people were starting to divide, and this was mainly due to groups such as that of Abdullah bin Sabah, who became Muslim with the sole intention of weakening the Muslim state and creating conspiracies. They were successful, and this has caused many divisions in the Ummah, which has unfortunately led to disrespect towards some of the greatest Sahabah.
Abu Bakr Siddique r.a., Umar r.a., Uthman r.a. and Ali r.a. were the four closest to the Prophet P.B.U.H. and people skip the first three, and only respect Ali r.a. and his offspring. People assume that those who respect Abu Bakr Siddique, Umar and Uthman r.a. do not respect Ali r.a. as much as they should. They do. Why wouldn't they? Each of them were brilliant in their own ways.
That's all I have to say in this blog. May Allah guide us all to the Right Path and bring us together . Ameen.
Walaikum Salam. :)
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Sunni + Shia = One Ummah. Part 3.
Hope everyone is doing well Insh'Allah.
Today I'd like to talk about the Caliphate. Why do many people argue over the Caliphate? Why do so many people still think, after 1430 years that Ali r.a. should have been the first Caliph after the Prophet P.B.U.H? Doesn't everything happen for a reason, doesn't Allah decide everything, doesn't every little thing happen with Allah's will? Then why all this arguing, why all these disagreements?
Many people take the incident in which the Prophet P.B.U.H had assigned Ali r.a. as a Caliph to look after the children, whilst they went on Jihad. Fatima r.a. was not very well herself, and so the Prophet P.B.U.H thought that it would be best if Ali r.a. stayed back and looked after his wife, and all the children, as well as keeping an eye out for all the other women. Ali r.a. did not want to stay back whilst the other Sahabah went on Jihad, and so he got hold of a camel and caught up with the army who were residing on the outskirts of Madinah. Ali r.a. then asked the Prophet P.B.U.H why he was made to stay behind, and the Prophet P.B.U.H replied to him saying: I have put you in charge of looking after your wife, children and the women. You are like a Caliph. Do you not remember how Musa a.s. appointed Haroon a.s. as a Caliph? How are you not happy with this great responsibility?
Out of all the Sahabah, the Prophet P.B.U.H chose Ali r.a. to stay back and look after all the children. Many people say that the Prophet P.B.U.H even assigned Ali r.a. as Caliph during his lifetime, so how could Abu Bakr r.a. be the first Caliph? Well, people forget that he was appointed with this responsibility only for this war. The Prophet P.B.U.H was still alive, how could he have been Caliph when the Prophet P.B.U.H was still alive? And Haroon a.s. was older than Musa a.s. - he even died during the Prophet Musa's a.s. lifetime. They were like Caliphs, they were given certain responsibilities by the Prophet's P.B.U.T.
The Caliphate and the order of the Caliphs was decided by Allah, how can people even dare to go against the decision of Allah? How can they even dare to disagree with what Allah decided?
The non-Muslims at the time of the Prophet P.B.U.H and after his death, up until today have been trying their best to separate the Muslims, to cause disagreements between the Muslims. They have lied, they have spread rumours, they have made Muslims believe things and innovate things which are not in Islam, which have not been taught by the Prophet P.B.U.H and which have not been said by Allah in the Qur'an. This has also led people to interperate the Qur'anic Ayah's in ways they shouldn't be interperated. They have twisted the translations and meanings of the Ayahs to suit their own purposes and innovative beliefs.
Islam is the simplest of religions, don't complicate it. For your own sake. For everyone's sake.
May Allah unite the Muslims and guide us all to the Straight Path. Ameen.
Walaikum Salam. :)
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Sunni + Shia = One Ummah. Part 2
Another day, another blog. Hope everyone is doing well Insh'Allah. :)
Before I begin though, I'd like to make one thing clear. I'm not trying to offend anyone or any sect. I don't have anything against the people, but I have thoughts, feelings and beliefs against their innovations in Islam. Islam is the simplest and purest of all religions, Maulana's may or may not have heaps of knowledge; people should not believe everything they say straight away. Find out for yourselves, this is why Allah has given us the Qur'an, the Sunnah and the Hadith. Use the authentic hadith and the Qur'anic ayahs to find out the truth and to find out how to act as a Muslim. If we are to blindly believe anything, believe the Qur'an and the authentic Hadith. Another thing I'd like to say: Wake up and smell the Deen.
Well, as I said yesterday, I'd be giving my views on and writing about Shirk in part 2. I think everyone will at least have an idea about this topic, but I'm going to be concentrating on doing Du'as to the dead, or asking the dead to do Du'a to Allah for you. One thing I'd like to ask is how will the dead do Du'a to Allah for or from you? They are in their graves, either going through the Punishments of the Grave or sleeping peacefully with the blessings of Allah. And another thing, didn't Allah say in the Qur'an Himself that we should ask Him directly, that we should do Du'a to Him directly without any intermediaries?
There are countless Sunni's out there who go to the shrines of "holy people" in order to use them as intermediaries to Allah, or in some cases -Naudhubillah - they even ask the deceased person to help them! Not only are these people adding their own things to this great religion, but they're also doing Shirk. These people will be putting bits of cloth on trees or windows, they'll be throwing flowers on the shrines... and these are just two examples of their innovations.
Do people not understand that a deceased person cannot help them? Do they not understand that the deceased person will be going through the outcome of their deeds in this world - be it good or bad.
“And those who take Awliyaa’ (protectors, helpers, lords, gods) besides Him (say): ‘We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allah.’ Verily, Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly, Allah guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever”
[al-Zumar 39:3]
Do people overlook Ayah's such as these? Do they not read the Qur'an and the translation? And why do some people decide to twist - Astaghfirullah - the meaning of the translation? Some people claim that they can call upon Ali r.a. or Hussain r.a. to help them, to do Du'a for them to Allah. Why? Why can't the people turn to Allah themselves and ask Him themselves? Is it so hard to do Du'a to Allah yourself? I think not. If people can call upon others, it shouldn't be hard to call upon Allah.
There is another pretty common perception of Verse 35 in Surah Five - The Table:
"O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah and seek means of nearness to Him and strive hard in His way that you may be successful."
Many people have percieved this as using a Waseelah as a means to reach Allah. We do not need people as means to reach Allah, no matter how good a Muslim they were. The Prophet P.B.U.H and his Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) did not use Waseelahs and they were alive at the time the Qur'an was revealed. As a matter of fact, Ibn Abbas had said that this Ayah means to "seek needs from Allah" as He is the only One who can meet them. This has been approved and repeated by Abu Wa'il, Al-Hasan, Mujahid, Ibn Zayd and many others. In addition to this Ibn Zayd and Qatadah have also said that this Ayah means to be obedient to Allah, doing what pleases Him and not doing things which displeases Him.
As well as this, Ibn Zayd also backed up his point using the following Verse from the Qur'an:
"Those whom they call upon (like Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), Uzair (Ezra), angels and others) desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord (Allah)."
This clearly states and shows that those who use others as a means of access to Allah are making a mockery of this great religion by inviting Shirk into their lives. Obtaining nearness to Allah is through being obedient to Him and His Prophet P.B.U.H. - by following the teachings in the Qur'an and in the Hadith and the actual actions of the Prophet P.B.U.H.
People also claim from both sects, that Ali and Hussain are martyrs, they are not dead. Yes, Allah has said that martyrs of Islam do not die, but they also do not live amongst the ones who are alive in this world. They are alive in Jannah. We cannot say "Ya" to them. And the Shaheeds themselves, did they ever call upon anyone other than Allah when they needed help or guidance? No they did not. Then why should we? The Prophet P.B.U.H and his companions, peace be upon all of them, they did not call upon anyone except Allah. Not any shaheed, not any great companion who died of natural death, no-one except Allah.
Islam is the simplest and purest of all religions, yet people make it complicated for themselves and others. They innovate and introduce new traditions which have nothing to do with Islam. Allah has stated what we should and should not do in the Qur'an and through the Prophet P.B.U.H and his Sunnah.
Shirk is the greatest of sins. People may not think that they are committing Shirk by asking the deceased or the Shaheed to help them, or to do Du'a for them to Allah, but they are. Allah has clearly stated in the Qur'an to go to Him for help and no-one else.
May Allah guide us to the right path, Insh'Allah, and save us from committing sins, especially Shirk. Ameen.
That's all I have to say for Part 2. I don't know what I'll be talking about in Part 3, I may carry this topic on, or I might start on a new one.
Walaikum Salam. :)
Friday, 12 June 2009
Sunni + Shia = One Ummah. Part 1.
Hope everyone is well Insh'Allah.
Well, to be completely honest with you, I don't actually know how many parts there are going to be to this. I'll just carry on writing until I have said all I wanted to say.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am sick and tired of this Sunni vs. Shia war. Why are there so many differences? Well, okay, the Prophet P.B.U.H did say that there will be 73 sects in Islam, but he also said that the people who will be the most righteous will be those who follow the his Sunnah and the Qur'an. Those who will be most righteous will follow the footsteps of the Prophet P.B.U.H and his companions (Sahabah).
I hope everyone has noted, that he mentioned the Sahabah. So why are there people who do not respect all his companions (may Allah bless them with Jannah.) Why are there people who do not respect Umar r.a., Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. or Uthman r.a.? Why do people assume they were bad people? Where did people obtain these logics from in the first place? Why don't people think about the fact that Allah had chosen the Sahabah for the Prophet P.B.U.H? If these great men were not meant to be pious Muslims, why would Allah guide them to the Right Path, why would Allah make them the Prophet P.B.U.H's closest companions? Doesn't make much sense does it.
These men were willing to put their own lives at risk for the Prophet P.B.U.H and his family. Why would they commit such crimes which many people accuse them of? I don't understand how people could accuse Umar r.a. of killing Fatima r.a. - the daughter of the Prophet P.B.U.H. I don't understand how some Shia are still going on about how Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. should not have been the first Caliph after the death of the Prophet P.B.U.H. Does not everything happen because of Allah's will? If he was not meant to be the first Caliph, he would never have been the first Caliph. Allah had chosen him, he was made the first Caliph by Allah's will. Those who still disagree with Abu Bakr Siddique being the first to attain Caliphate are obviously not agreeing with Allah's will. Is this a sign of a Muslim who is following Allah's orders, Allah's will, Allah's Qur'an, Allah's Prophet P.B.U.H?
Naudhubillah. Many people also accuse the Prophet P.B.U.H's own wife of being wrong! How can this be? People have taken the issue of Aisha r.a. and Ali r.a. and stretched it so far from the truth. Yes, Aisha r.a. had become angry, yes Aisha r.a. and Ali r.a. had an argument / disagreement. But astaghfirullah, how can people overlook Allah's revelation which came down as witness of Aisha's honesty? The Prophet P.B.U.H had asked his wife Aisha to ask for forgiveness, she had said that yes, she was not able to hold in her anger or her opinions, but why does that mean that she is wrong, why does that mean that she is lying?
She had been left behind, but the Prophet P.B.U.H had appointed one of his most trustworthy companions: Safwan r.a. who travelled at least 4-6 hours behind them. He was appointed to stay behind them in order to check out all the places where they had stopped to rest, in order to see if any possession, or person or anything was left behind. He had found Aisha r.a. and offered her his camel, but he had moved far away until she had sat on the camel properly; this was because her hijab could've fallen off whilst trying to get onto the camel. After she had sat on, he came back and they set off to catch up with the Prophet P.B.U.H. The Prophet P.B.U.H had realised that his wife Aisha r.a. was not present, but even he P.B.U.H was not worried, he said that Safwan would have found her and will be bringing her soon. And Astaghfirullah, a Munafiq, a Jew called Abdullah had said that something must have gone wrong; both Aisha and Safwan were travelling alone, a sinly act may well have been committed. These words of his had started spreading like wild fire. Once Aisha had returned home, she had no idea of what accusation was put upon her. She became ill, for 2o days straight, her parents had come to see her, but they never told her about the accusation which was put upon her. However, she did realise that there was a change of attitude in the Prophet P.B.U.H. The accusation spread even further. After some days, she had asked the Prophet P.B.U.H, her husband for permission to go to her parents house to meet them and he granted her permission. But even at her parents house, no-one told her anything.
One night, Aisha r.a. had gone travelling or walking, and Ummi Mistah was with her; the mother of one of the Prophet P.B.U.H's companions. Ummi Mistah had tripped on the cloth covering her, and said: "Woe betide Mistah" - Let Mistah perish. Aisha r.a. was shocked at this, and asked Ummi Mistah why she was saying such things about the Prophet's companion, why she was saying such things about someone who had fought for Islam. Ummi Mistah then asked Aisha r.a. if she did not know of what was being said about her, and thus told her about the word spreading about her, and her travelling home along with Safwan r.a. which caused people to think wrong of her. Abu Ayub r.a. asked his wife if she was in Aisha's position, would she do such a deed? Or if he was in Safwan's position, would she think about doing such a deed with him? His wife said Wallahi, No! Thus Abu Ayub was positive that Aisha r.a. could not commit such an act. She was better than his wife, and Safwan r.a. was better than him. If Abu Ayub r.a. and his wife could not commit such sinful acts, how could Aisha r.a. and Safwan r.a. even think about it?
Ali r.a. began to get impatient and asked Barira to speak clearly, as this matter is personal to the Prophet P.B.U.H; she replied and said that she has never seen Aisha r.a. do any type of sin. This is the real reason why Aisha r.a. had become angry with Ali r.a. She r.a. had said that even her son Ali is suspecting her and asking her servant about her, thus making her angry. Aisha r.a. was angry and upset at the fact that her son Ali r.a. even advised the Prophet P.B.U.H to marry again and divorce her; if the Prophet P.B.U.H divorced her, her life would have been ruined in this world and the next. However, then Ali r.a. said that he only said all this because he was worried for the Prophet P.B.U.H - he had no real intention to upset Aisha r.a. in such a way. This did not last long, however many people from both sects have twisted this issue and portrayed Aisha r.a. as an unchaste woman. Think about it, would Allah choose an unchaste woman for His Prophet?
The Prophet P.B.U.H then asked Umar r.a. about this matter. Umar then asked the Prophet P.B.U.H if he married Aisha r.a. with his own will or did Allah swt tell him to marry her? The Prophet P.B.U.H then said "What kind of a question is that? Obviously Allah did. Jibreel a.s. brought a picture of her, and then with Allah's will I married her." Umar r.a. then said, if we can find good wives for our sons, wouldn't Allah find a good wife for the Prophet P.B.U.H?
Umar r.a. then asked the Prophet P.B.U.H if flies had ever touched his skin, the Prophet P.B.U.H replied that he has been kept clean from flies and any such insects. Thus Umar r.a. said that if flies have never touched the Prophet P.B.U.H. how could he have an unclean wife? This made the Prophet P.B.U.H extremely happy; he P.B.U.H said that Umar r.a. was correct; his P.B.U.H's house and his family are clean from any type of sin, then why was he worried?
The Prophet P.B.U.H then returned home, and said to Aisha r.a. that if there is small mistake or anything of that sort, she should ask for forgiveness from Allah. Aisha r.a. then replied saying that has such a day come that when she lies, she will be believed, and if she claims she is free from sin and is truthful, no-one will believe her? She said that she has done nothing wrong, she will not ask for forgiveness for something she has not done - Allah is witness for this. But she did admit that in her anger she even forgot Hazrat Yaqub's name. She said she will be patient and wait for Allah to sort this out and act as her witness. Thus Abu Bakr Siddique r.a. and her family were waiting, and wondering if a revelation would come or not. Allah then revealed ayah's for the Qur'an which spoke as her witness, in fact not only a few ayah's but a whole ruqooh - Subhan'Allah! A whole Ruqooh speaking in witness of Aisha's chastity; the first Ruqooh in Surah Noor. Aisha r.a. was shocked, she said that she did not expect Allah to send ayah's in the Qur'an about her, she thought Allah would make Prophet P.B.U.H understand in his heart that his wife Aisha is truthful and chaste. Subhan'Allah, a Ruqooh in the Qur'an for a mother of the entire Muslim Ummah. Yet people still think of Aisha r.a. as unchaste?
Well, that's all I have to say in part 1. I will next talk about shirk, how people ask the dead for things, how people go to the dead's graves and ask them to do du'a to Allah. Within the Sunni's, there are countless people who do this.
Walaikum Salam. For now.